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Ayurveda and Fertility

Come the New Year, some of you may have decided to start a family or have that second or third child. There are those that fall pregnant straight away with no complications what-so-ever where as actually for most of you it will take a while with maybe a few visits to the doctors or other health care professionals. Getting pregnant can be stressful for a couple but it takes both of you to be on the same page for things to work.

If you have chosen to go down the holistic route to prepare for pregnancy there are various options out there including reflexology, Chinese traditional medicine, homeopathy and many more including Ayurveda. Gather as much information as you can on those that take your fancy, do research online, speak to friends and if it doesn't work with one try another. I had a client many years back who was having reflexology with myself and acupuncture elsewhere. We also did Reiki to resolve past issues that may have been effecting the conception. Now this client was a very busy, business woman and every time she came for her reflexology it was hard for her to relax, yet one day it was like she was a completely different woman, I had never seen her so relaxed. When I asked what was different that day she told me her acupuncturist had to move their appointment to earlier on that day. Now I know my boss at the time wasn't too pleased that I had advised this client the following day to "stop wasting your money and time coming to me for reflexology, get more acupuncture"! Whatever the acupuncture was doing was working and it takes a good therapist to give up on their treatment plan and recommend other options, if it isn't working.

For those of you are interested in Ayurveda or who are new to it, conception requires both the man and woman to prepare for pregnancy. There are two herbs which could help and these include Ashwagandha and Shatavari. Shatavari is known as a women's rejuvenating herb and excellent for fertility. It has a cooling effect on the body and when there are no toxins in the body it helps reduce all the doshas. It also nourishes all the body tissues, improves irregular or no periods. It also has natural estrogen and iron. These can also help with the production of milk, so this is the one herb a woman can take throughout her pregnancy and after. It is to be avoided if there are toxins in the body, excess mucus, sinus and chest congestion or breast cancer. Ashwagandha is a male rejuvenating herb and it has a heating effect. It reduces vata and kapha doshas but may increase pitta due to its heating effect. Ashwagandha too has iron and helps with the production of sperm. It is best avoided when there is toxins in the body and excess heat.

In ayurveda conception is compared to the germination and sprouting of a seed and the transformation into a sapling. Ayurveda also gives importance to the seed, the mother provides the soil, nutrition and right season for the seed to grow. Because of this, ayurveda advises the woman to pay special attention to the nutrition and protection of her "soil", ensuring it is rich and clean.

Both partners must look after their bodies and minds in preparation for conception. This is done by eating the right foods for their body types, organic ideally, seasonal and unprocessed. Taking regular massages, drinking herbal teas and having a daily routine with exercise is important. For the mum to be using positive affirmations such as "I am strong and healthy" or "I am loved and I am loving" can help alleviate fears about the process of getting pregnant and prepare the mind for pregnancy.

For more information on ayurveda or fertility please feel free to contact us at


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